418 West Avenue B, San Angelo TX 76903
San Angelo Economic Development Corporation

Business & Industrial Park

Now Available

San Angelo, Texas has just completed Phase II of its 685-acre master planned Business & Industrial Park. Phase II provides an additional 118-acres of shovel ready sites. Thank you to AEP Texas for their support in making this video.

Business & Industrial Park

Strategically located on the Ports to Plains Corridor and the future I-27 north-south interstate, the almost 700 acre master planned San Angelo Business & Industrial Park is centrally located between I-10 and I-20.  The park has convenient access to US 277/US 67, a four lane divided highway and near US 87 is a 4 lane divided and non-controlled highway. Industrial park earns ‘super’ certification.

Business & Industrial Park

Business & Industrial Park attributes

  • Certification
  • Property availability
  • Zoning
  • Environmental
  • Highways and Interstates
  • Utilities

AEP-Quality Site certified

AEP-Quality Site certified as “Super Park” and industrial development-ready by McCallum Sweeney Consultants, this site exceeds stringent requirements and has due diligence complete.

Property availability & development options

Over 700 acres are available in a variety of proposed land parcels.

  • Total property size – 746.669 acres. Total of 3 phases including easements.
  • Acres of potential development – 614.04 (Does not include ROW, easements, area intended for drainage facilities or sold property)
  • Largest contiguous, parcel (park) of potential development – 101.52 acres.


The San Angelo Industrial Park is primarily zoned Light Manufacturing with a smaller area zoned Heavy Manufacturing with the exception of phase 3, which has not been developed and is outside the city limits. Zoning is not applicable in the county or city extra-territorial jurisdiction.

  • Phase 1 – 92.34 acres Heavy Manufacturing (MH)
  • Phase 1 – 112.58 acres Light Manufacturing (ML)
  • Phase 2 – 205.75 acres Light Manufacturing (ML)
  • Phase 3 – 100.95 acres Light Manufacturing (ML), 235.05 acres not zoned (outside city limits)


  • Noise restrictions: Must be “non-objectionable outside the property lines for ML; not restricted MH zoning
  • Height restrictions: None


  • Phase I (and/or Phase II) – Completed May 20, 2015
  • Wetlands delineation – Completed May 28, 2015
  • Endangered species – Completed April 6, 2015
  • Archaeological/historical – Completed May 28, 2015
  • Geo-technical assessment – Completed April 23, 2015
  • 404 letter available
  • No flood plain on site

Highways and interstates

  • Nearest four-lane highway: U.S. 67, U.S. 277, U.S. 87
  • Distance from property (miles): Adjacent to site
  • Nearest north/south interstate(s):  I-35, I-27
  • Distance from property (miles): 210 miles (Austin), 216 miles (San Antonio), 199 miles (Lubbock)
  • Nearest east/West interstate(s): I-10, I-20
  • Distance from property (miles):  81 miles (Sonora), 91.6 miles (Big Spring)

Utilities information

  • Electric transmission company: American Electric Power Texas
  • Customer choice is available in this deregulated environment with multiple providers available.
  • Voltage of nearest distribution line(s): 12.5 KV on site
  • Voltage and of nearest transmission line(s): 69 KV and 138 KV lines on phase 2
  • Available electric capacity at the property: Up to 10 MW
  • Name of substation serving the property: PaulAnn substation
  • Distance to substation serving the property: 7,000 feet
Natural gas
  • Natural gas distribution and transmission company(ies): Atmos Energy
  • Size of nearest line(s) 4 inch line – on site
  • Pressure of nearest line(s): 55 PSI on site
  • Distance to the property (feet): On site
  • Current capacity of the system can provide 4,800 MCF/month based on a eight-hour day, five days a week.
Water service
  • Name of water provider: City of San Angelo
  • Size of nearest line(s): 8” and 12”
  • Distance to the property (feet): Directly adjacent in street right-of-way
  • Total capacity of the line(s) serving the property: 2.2 million gallons per day
  • Excess capacity of the line(s) serving the property: 1.3 MGD
Regarding water treatment plant serving the site
  • Name of water treatment plant serving the property: San Angelo Water Production Plant
  • Owner/operator of water treatment plant: City of San Angelo
  • Distance to the property: 3.5 miles
  • Total permitted capacity (mgd): 42 million gallons per day
  • Average utilization: 18 MGD
  • Peak utilization: 28 MGD
  • Excess capacity: 24 MGD
  • There are no other known encumbrances or additional requests for additional capacity to the water system capacity.
  • Current planned upgrade to the water system includes the Hickory ground water source project, $120 million-plus capital investment financed by the Texas Water Development Board and completed in October 2015.
Wastewater service
  • Name of wastewater provider: City of San Angelo
  • Size of nearest line(s): 8” force main, 10” and 12” gravity main
  • Distance to the property (feet): Directly adjacent in street right-of-way
  • Type of line serving the property (gravity or force main): Gravity mains service the property.The gravity mains discharge to a pumping facility which pumps into a force main.
  • Force main, excess capacity of nearest pump station serving the property: 0.8 MGD
  • Total capacity of the line(s) serving the property: 1.025 MGD
  • Excess capacity of the line(s) serving the property: 0.925 MGD
Wastewater treatment plant serving the site
  • Name of wastewater treatment plant serving the property: San Angelo Water Reclamation Facility
  • Owner/Operator of wastewater treatment plant: City of San Angelo
  • Permit expiration date of the treatment plant: September 1, 2019
  • Distance to the property:  2.8 miles
  • Total permitted capacity: 11.3 MGD
  • Average utilization: 8 MGD
  • Peak utilization: 10 MGD
  • Excess capacity: 3.3 MGD
  • There are no known encumbrances including any requests for additional capacity to the wastewater system capacity.
  • Name of telecommunication provider(s): Verizon
  • Distance to the nearest telecommunications infrastructure: On site
  • Services available: Regular business telephony and T1 services
  • Underground fiber and dark fiber is available at the property.
San Angelo Chamber of Commerce' Economic Development Department

San Angelo Chamber of Commerce

Michael Looney

Vice President of Economic Development


San Angelo Regional Manufacturer's Alliance SARMA
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