418 West Avenue B, San Angelo TX 76903
San Angelo Economic Development Corporation

Concho Valley Workforce

Concho Valley Workforce

Concho Valley Workforce Solutions is a certified, full-service center that has integrated service functions to aid job seekers and employers in all aspects of employment and training. Workforce Solutions (WFS) was certified by the Texas Workforce Commission on August 31, 1999 and undergoes a certification review every 3 years. The contractor of the 1-stop center is responsible and accountable for providing customer service to employers and job seekers throughout the Concho Valley.


Providing core services for the following programs:
  • Access to Unemployment Insurance Benefits
  • Apprenticeship Program
  • Dislocated Workers and Youth
  • National Literacy Act Services
  • Post-secondary Career and Technology Training
  • Senior Texans Employment Program
  • Subsidized Child Care Services
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) / Choices
  • Trade Adjustment Assistance
  • Veteran’s Employment and Training Programs
  • Wagner-Peyser Employment Services
  • Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) serving adults, formerly Title I of Workforce Investment Act (WIA)
Providing employer services that include:
  • Labor market information (LMI)
  • Job posting and openings (Work in Texas [WIT])
  • Education and training opportunities
  • Supportive services (including access to subsidized child care)
  • Implementing a customer-driven service delivery strategy that includes:
    • Information through individual self-service
    • Job search assistance in group settings
  • Specialized, intensive staff-assisted services to both job seekers and employers
  • Providing reasonable accommodation / accessibility in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Visit Concho Valley Workforce for more information.
Concho Valley Workforce Solutions
San Angelo Chamber of Commerce' Economic Development Department

San Angelo Chamber of Commerce

Michael Looney

Vice President of Economic Development


San Angelo Regional Manufacturer's Alliance SARMA
©2024 San Angelo Economic Development Corporation
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