418 West Avenue B, San Angelo TX 76903
San Angelo Economic Development Corporation

SAISD Career and Technical Education Programs

SAISD Career and Technical Education Programs

Career and Technical Education programs offer a sequence of courses with coherent and rigorous content that is aligned with challenging academic standards and relevant technical knowledge and skills. Through approved programs of study students are offered a coherent sequence of courses and opportunities for industry based certifications, technical dual credit, work-based learning, and participation in student leadership organizations.  CTE programs prepare students for further education and in-demand, high-skill, and high-wage careers in Texas. Learn more about the programs of study offered to high school students through the 2022-2023 San Angelo ISD Opportunity Guide.


CTE students can obtain technical dual credit through Howard College.  We currently offer 50 technical dual credit courses taught by Howard College instructors or SAISD employees that are certified adjunct faculty.  Upon the successful completion of the CTE course, students will receive the technical dual credit designation on their high school transcript as well as their Howard College transcript.  Some course sequences are designed for students to obtain their Certificate Level 1 through Howard College at the completion of the sequence.


State approved Industry Based Certifications are offered through our CTE Programs of Study.  Students currently have the opportunity to become certified in 15 different areas, including Certified Nurse Assistant, Adobe, Microsoft Office, Cosmetology, Comp TIA, the American Welding Society, and the Texas State Floral Association Knowledge Based and Level One Certification.


The West Texas Training Center (WTTC) is a facility that serves the workforce training needs of the Concho Valley and West Texas and is a collaborative effort involving multiple organizations, including the San Angelo ISD.  Eight of the SAISD CTE Programs of Study are taught at the WTTC including the following Advanced Programs:  Construction, Design & Multimedia Arts, Health Science, Cosmetology, Information Technology, Law Enforcement, Welding, Robotics, Automotive Technology, and Collision Repair.  The partnership between the WTTC and the SAISD allows students from both high school campuses to access these Advanced CTE Programs which otherwise may not be available.

San Angelo Chamber of Commerce' Economic Development Department

San Angelo Chamber of Commerce

Michael Looney

Vice President of Economic Development


San Angelo Regional Manufacturer's Alliance SARMA
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